
Hina Matsuri Ham Dolls

Hina matsuri will soon be here (3-3-08), so the local supermarket (Kyoto Co-op) made this ham sculpture of the traditional dolls, I thought it was super kawaii so I took a picture for you guys to see. some supermarkets play a specific song depending on upcoming holidays, so if you go to an Izumiya supermarket you will hear the hina matsuri song non stop.

It's called "Ureshii Hinamatsuri (Happy Hinamatsuri)" I tried to look for a traditional style .mp3 version on line but none were available right now but I did find a midi file so you can listen to the melody and I also found the lyrics, I absolutely love this song:

Akari o tsukemashou bonbori ni
明かりをつけましょう ぼんぼりに

Ohana o agemashou momo no hana
お花をあげましょう 桃の花

Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko
五人ばやしの 笛太鼓

Kyo wa tanoshii Hinamatsuri



Let's light the lanterns
Let's set peach flowers
Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums
Today is a joyful Dolls' Festival

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