
Puchi Wallpaper

I have been a bit busy running around going to job interviews so I haven't had much time to post, to make it up to you guys I made this Japanese wallpaper, if you like it leave me a message and Ill post some more later on.

Download 1280x800.

Mata ne!


xiaocangshu said...

Kirei desu! :)

Anonymous said...

The wallpaper's so cute..thanks :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, happen to see your puchi wallpaper, it's really beautiful. Would like to ask permission to use it as a background for an in house poster for a non-profit cause. We are trying to conduct a japanese origami class for a bunch of kids and thought this wallpaper is so suitable. Cant seem to find you email addy. howw do i contact you?

Anonymous said...

I really like your wallpaper = D I was wondering if you could upload it again b/c its gorgeous~

Dominik Anita said...

Sorry for the really late reply guys, adjusting to my new life has been a bit time consuming lately, but to make it up to you I reuploaded the image, use it as you like, enjoy!

Mata ne